Project preparation services

MB „Kokybės klubas“ specializes in project and application development. We provide complex services: from designing an idea to project implementation.

Project administration services

We provide project management services to companies, institutions and organizations that have received support from EU structural funds or other programs.




Supported activities Implementation and promotion of technological eco-innovations Submission
Scheduled project


Objective of the measure: to encourage the introduction of technological eco-innovations by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (hereinafter referred to as "SMEs") in order to reduce the negative effects of climate change and greenhouse gases.


Suitable applicants:
• Very small, small or medium-sized enterprise (SMEs);
Operating for a period of at least one year and having an average annual income of the average production of SMEs for the last 3 financial years or, from the date of registration of the SME (if the activities of the SMEs were less than 3 financial years), at least 145,000 Eur.

Partners: Not allowed.

Supported activities: Implementation and promotion of technological eco-innovations, that is, investments in cleaner production innovations (implementation of them) that applies rational resource usage and pollution prevention techniques (for instance, process modernization (optimization) in order to reduce the negative impact on the environment and / or to conserve natural resources, wasteless production, reusage and (or ) recycling, heat recovery (recuperation, regeneration), separation of flows, etc.).

Suitable funding costs: 
1.costs of acquiring or leasing financial eco-innovations (equipment and installations) necessary for the direct implementation of project activities. The period of financial lease can not be longer than the duration of the project, that is the tangible assets acquired through financial lease must become the property of the project applicant until the end of the project implementation.
2. foreseen salaries of employees working with technological eco-innovations,that is, the estimated wage costs arising from jobs created for the initial investment and calculated over the two years following their creation.

Financing intensity:
45 percent of all eligible costs of the project if the applicant is a very small or minor enterpise. The applicant must contribute to the financing of the project with at least 55% of  all eligible costs of the project;
35 percent of all eligible costs of the project if the applicant is a medium-sized enterprise.  The applicant must contribute to the financing of the project with at least 65% of  all eligible costs of the project;

Maximum implementation duration: up to 36 months.

Submission deadline: SCHEDULED PROJECT

Contacts for consultation:

Num. +370 65538778


Parent Category: English

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